
Sunday, April 1, 2012

What the hell is going on with the Trayvon Martin case!?!? People are crazy!
Sorry I didn't write in while!
What is so much better in the new ipad, I feel like every things the same but it's thinner. No big diffrence it is something I wouldn't buy! Waste of MONEY!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012


Why can't we all make something so amazing that everyone will be behind and want us? The answer is becaus everyone is diffrent. We cannot all just make another Facebook like Zuckerberg or just make another Twitter, and I think luck just doesn't play on my side. Well anyways, work hard we all don't have it easy, I personally want to make something so amazing that any college will accept me.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Competition for college is getting exceptionally hard, and everyday there is more and more competition generation we have to STEP IT UP! We are the future, lets build it strong.


Why are highschoolers frustrated...because of the teachers....

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Diamond Supply Co. Has probably the sickest clothing I have seen. A lot of respect towards Nicky Diamond. If you want a discount on Diamond, comment and subscribe.


I love Facebook, and I think everyone should have one! I personally prefer Facebook over many social networking sites. They have new improvements now and then..Some good and some bad. But overall it is a work of art.